Newbie Therapist Offerings

Transforming Newbie Therapists into

Confident, Competent Clinicians

Are you…

  • New to the world of therapy and looking to build your skills & knowledge?

  • Not sure what to actually do in a therapy session? 

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of knowledge you've been taught and aren't sure how to apply it?

  • Totally confused by the world of therapy and the practical aspects of being a therapist?

  • Fearful you won't make money or be successful as a therapist?

Do you want to…

  • Develop some go-to skills that are easily accessible and easy-to-understand.

  • Know what to do in session to actually help your clients.

  • Feel confident and prepared as a therapist.

  • Have a grasp on the practical aspects of being a therapist.

  • Make money by attracting, converting and retaining clients with ease.

 Then check out our offerings and get ready to become a

Private Practice Powerhouse.

The Beginner's Guide to Being a Therapist:

Tips & Tricks for the Newbie Therapist

Tackling the pieces of being therapist that grad school doesn't address, this pdf book is filled with loads of practical knowledge that will save you time, money, and effort and ultimately, take you from a newbie therapist to a confident, capable therapist.

Self Paced Course

The Therapist Toolkit

This course is the ultimate crash course for new therapists. It offers loads of easy-to-understand clinical skills that you can add to your toolkit. It also covers the basic practical pieces of therapy practice like chart notes, consult calls, client retention and so much more.


Not Ready to get started yet? In the meantime….